GX-Jatropha crude oil and waste plastic, heavy oil,
and coal are used as raw materials to produce carbon-neutral fuel

GX-Group has developed a technology to produce carbon-neutral fuel by mixing Jatropha crude oil with waste plastic, heavy oil, and coal and reacting them. In the future, we will start producing carbon-neutral fuel.

Carbon-neutral fuel production demonstration plant

GX reactor(Liquid-Phase Discharge Plasma Ionization and Electrolysis Device)

GX Reaction Controller
Production of carbon-neutral fuel from Jatropha crude oil and heavy oil C
By mixing Jatropha crude oil and heavy oil C and performing a plasma nano-ionization electrolysis reaction (GX), carbon-neutral fuel (GO-HBDF-CN) can be produced. This is a fuel equivalent to diesel or heavy oil A, and can be used in diesel engines and boilers. This carbon-neutral fuel has a relatively low flash point of 30℃ to 120℃, a calorific value of 10,380kcal/kg, equivalent to heavy oil C, and a higher calorific value than vegetable oil biofuel (9,500kcal/kg). Its price is $700/kl, less than half the price of vegetable oil biofuel.
Production of carbon-neutral hybrid fuel from Jatropha crude oil and heavy oil C
Carbon-neutral hybrid fuel can be produced by mixing Jatropha crude oil, heavy oil A, and coal powder and putting it through a nano mixer. This fuel has a calorific value of 7,840kcal/kg, which exceeds the calorific value of coal at 6,300kcal/kg.

Production of carbon-neutral hybrid fuel from Jatropha crude oil and heavy oil C
Carbon-neutral hybrid fuel can be produced by mixing Jatropha crude oil and waste plastic and subjecting it to plasma nano-ionization and electrolysis reactions. This fuel is equivalent to heavy fuel oil A or diesel and costs $700/kL.